Teknisk fysik - Engineering physics - is a bachelors programme at Chalmers University of Technology. Courses are held in Swedish. Translation and grades can be provided on request.
I earned my bachelors degree in 2012.
TDA305 Datorintroduktion 1,5hp ESS115 Elektriska nät och system 7,5hp EEF031 Elektromagnetisk fältteori 7,5hp TIF080 Experimentell fysik 1 - mätteknik 9hp TIF090 Experimentell fysik 2 - bas 4,5hp FFY011 Fasta tillståndets fysik 7,5hp MVE035 Flervariabelanalys 6hp MVE030 Fourieranalys 6hp TIF010 Fysiken omkring oss 7,5hp TMA970 Inledande matematisk analys 6hp FKA150 Inledande teknisk kommunikation 1,5hp TIFX02 Kandidatarbete vid Teknisk fysik 15hp MVE025 Komplex matematisk analys 6hp FUF040 Kvantfysik 6hp TMA660 Linjär algebra och geometri 4,5hp TMA671 Linjär algebra och numerisk analys 7,5hp TMA976 Matematisk analys, fortsättning 6hp TMA321 Matematisk statistik 4,5hp FFM515 Mekanik 1 7,5hp FFM520 Mekanik 2 6hp TIF075 Miljöfysik 4,5hp FFY091 Optik 6hp TIN211 Programmeringsteknik 6hp ERE091 Reglerteknik 4,5hp FUF045 Speciell relativitetsteori 4,5hp TME055 Strömningsmekanik 4,5hp FUF050 Subatomär fysik 6hp FTF140 Termodynamik och statistisk fysik 7,5hp TIF100 Tillämpad kvantfysik 4,5hp FFM232 Vektorfält och klassisk fysik 4,5hp
For our bachelors thesis me, two of my fellow students at Engineering physics and three students at Elektroteknik - roughly electrics and electronics - developed, built and tested a wireless charing station for cellular phones.
Complex Adaptive Systems is a masters programme at Chalmers University of Technology. Courses are held in English Grades can be provided on request.
As of January 2013 I have just begun work on my Masters thesis.
TIN092 Algorithms 7,5hp FFR135 Artificial neural networks 7,5hp FFR125 Autonomous agents 7,5hp FFR141 Complex systems seminar 7,5hp FFR110 Computational biology 1 7,5hp TDA351 Cryptography 7,5hp TIF115 Dynamical systems 7,5hp TIF160 Humanoid robotics 7,5hp RRY025 Image processing 7,5hp MVE370 Matematik och samhälle 7,5hp FFR120 Simulation of complex systems 7,5hp FFR105 Stochastic optimization algorithms 7,5hp MVE080 Vetenskaplig visualisering 7,5hp
Matematik och samhälle translates to Mathematics and society.
Vetenskaplig visualisering translate to Scientific visualization.