Privilege Levels

30 Jul 2012

Processor privilege level in Segmentation

The Intel x86 processor architecture has a number of features implemented to protect the system from malicious code. One of those features is the Privilege Levels.

The privilege levels are a remnant of the times when memory segmentation was popular. With segmentation, the physical memory is divided into segments that work as a kind of translation table. In Protected mode, if you call an address like

jmp CS:AX

the processor looks into the currently loaded Local or Global Descriptor Table ( LDT/ GDT) for the entry pointed to by CS. This enty (or Segment Descriptor) describes the beginning of a segment which is combined with the offset in AX to get the physical address;

physical_address = segment_descriptor_from_index(CS).base + AX;

The segment descriptor also has a limit, which in our example is the maximum value AX is allowed to take. If it's higher, you get a Segmentation Fault (or segfault for short). Now you can start to see how this system makes for a working memory protection scheme. By switching out the LDT, you can change what part of physical memory is addressed by any Selector:Offset-pair and thus give each task or process their own address space.

The segmentation scheme is now deprecated in favor of paging which offers more fine-grained control and a greater level or transparency.

So, what about the privilege levels? Well, the user program can switch its own segment selector values. However, each segment has a protection level, given by the Descriptor Privilege Level ( DLP) in the segment descriptor. The processor has a Current Privilege Level ( CPL) which is given by the lowest two bits of CS. If the program tries to switch a selector to a descriptor with a DPL that is lower than the CPL, the processor throws a General Protection Fault.

Processor privilege levels today

I mentioned that segmentation is deprecated in favor of paging, so why would I care about it for a modern state-of-the-art operating system such as mine?

Firstly, the x86 architecture requires segmentation to access the entire address space - most hobby OSes I've studied just keeps two segments (one for code and one for data - processor requirement) for this, with base 0x0 and a limit of 4 gb (in other words, they each cover the entire virtual address space).

Secondly, there are other ways than segmentation where the CPL comes into play. For example, in paging, if the supervisor bit of a page table entry is set, the address can only be accessed if the processor is in CPL 0 (sometimes called ring 0).

The privilege levels are also used to determine whether certain instructions may be run, like sti, lgdt, hlt and such.

Finally, the privilege levels determine which interrupts may be called with the int instruction (each interrupt descriptor in the IDT has an assigned DPL).

So there's still a point to keep privilege levels around for your hobby OS, despite the problems they cause with segmentation and TSS and stuff.

Changing the privilege level

Changing the CPL is actually two different problems.

  • Increasing CPL
  • Decreasing CPL

Increasing the CPL is relatively easy. It can be done either through a far jump

JMP 0x1B:label
    ; The CS selector is now 0x18 | 0x3
    ; i.e. it points to segment no 3 (3*0x8) and CPL is set to 0x3

or through the IRET instruction

The IRET instruction

Let's change the topic for a minute and think about interrupts. Say the processor is running in Kernel Mode (Ring 0, CPL=0) and an interrupt happens. What the processor does then is:

  • Push SS and ESP to stack
  • Push EFLAGS to stack
  • Push CS and EIP to stack
  • Load CS and EIP from the IDT

and from there the interrupt handling routine takes over.

The interrupt handling routine does its thing and then runs the IRET instruction. IRET makes the processor do the same thing as when an interrupt happens, but backwards. I.e:

  • Pop CS and EIP from stack
  • Pop EFLAGS from stack
  • Pop SS and ESP from stack
  • Do stack stuff
  • Far jump to CS:EIP

Notice that extra thing there? The "Do stack stuff"?

At that point, the processor checks the value of CS that is just popped. It compares the Requested Privilege Level ( RPL, last one - promise - I'm not making these up, you know) in the bottom two bits of this to the CPL and if it is higher it changes SS and ESP to the recently popped values. This is really useful for software task switching.

So, you could easily get into a higher privilege level by intercepting a handled interrupt and changing the value of CS on the stack. If you set the bottom two bits to 0x3, you will soon be in User Mode.

An other (better in my opinion) option is to create a fake interrupt-pushed stack and push that onto the stack before running IRET .

// C code
    uint32_t    esp;
    uint32_t    ss;
    uint32_t    eflags;
    uint32_t    eip;
    uint32_t    cs;
} fake_stack;

fake_stack.esp = usermode_stack_top; = user_data_segment | 0x3;
fake_stack.eflags = 0;
fake_stack.eip = &usermode_function;
fake_stack.cs = user_code_segment | 0x3;

set_all_segments(user_data_segment | 0x3);


; Assembler code
    add esp, 0x8

Going back to ring0

I was going to continue this blog post with talking about how to switch from a higher CPL to a lower, but it is growing way longer than I thought it would. Therefore I will cut it off here, and continue in a new post.


The methods described in this post is used in Git commit 52a0c84739.


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