VFS syscalls

12 Dec 2013

Last time I started to rewrite the VFS layer of my hobby kernel - again. This time I'll take a look at the system call couplings.

Since a while, I've had a cross compiler and newlib for my kernel, which means I have some basic syscall interfaces to start from.

Newlib requires the following syscalls:

int close(int file)
int fstat(int file, struct stat *st)
int isatty(int file)
int link(char *old, char *new)
int lseek(int file, int ptr, int dir)
int open(const char *name, int flags, int mode)
int read(int file, char *ptr, int len)
int stat(const char *file, struct stat *st)
int unlink(char *name)
int write(int file, char *ptr, int len)

open and close

Everything starts with open, so let's look at that first.

In order to keep track of the files that are opened by a process, we need a new data structure, though; the file descriptor.

typedef struct
    INODE ino;
    uint32_t offset;
    uint32_t flags;
    uint32_t users;
} file_desc_t;

The file descriptor keeps track of our position in the file as well as the mode it was opened in. File descriptors can also be shared between processes (after a fork() for example), and it therefore has a use counter. Two macros are used to manipulate the use counter

#define fd_get(fd) { (fd)->users++ }
#define fd_put(fd) { (fd)->users--; if(!(fd)->users)free(fd) }

Each process descriptor has an array of pointers to file descriptors

file_desc_t *fd[NUM_FILEDES];

open starts by finding a free file descriptor. It then finds the file, opens the file and returns the index of the file descriptor it used:

int open(const char *name, int flags, int mode)
    int fd;

    // Find unused file descriptor
    process_t *p = current->proc;
    int i;
    for(i=0; i < NUM_FILEDES; i++)
        fd = i;
        p->fd[fd] = calloc(1, sizeof(file_desc_t));

    // Find file
    INODE ino = vfs_namei(name);
    // Open file
    vfs_open(name, flags);

    // Setup file descriptor
    p->fd[fd]->ino = ino;
    p->fd[fd]->offset = 0;
    p->fd[fd]->flags = flags;

    return fd;

I stripped away all of the sanity checking and error handling code here. With that code, the function is more than twice as long.

close is even easier:

int close(int file)
    int retval = vfs_close(p->fd[file]->ino);
    p->fd[file] = 0;

    return retval;

I always check if an inode has a parent before freeing it. If it has a parent, it's part of the vfs mount tree, and should be kept around.

read and write

Next, let's look at read. It's actually really simple (excluding sanity checking and error handling):

int read(int file, char *ptr, int len)
    process_t *p = current->proc;
    INODE node = p->fd[file]->ino;
    int ret = vfs_read(node, ptr, len, p->fd[file]->offset);
    p->fd[file]->offset += ret;
    return ret;

Write is pretty much the same:

int write(int file, char *ptr, int len)
    process_t *p = current->proc;
    INODE node = p->fd[file]->ino;
    int ret = vfs_write(node, ptr, len, p->fd[file]->offset);
    p->fd[file]->offset += ret;
    return ret;

stat, fstat and isatty

fstat and isatty just passes on the information to the corresponding vfs functions:

int fstat(int file, struct stat *st)
    process_t *p = current->proc;
    INODE node = p->fd[file]->ino;
    return vfs_fstat(node, st);

int isatty(int file)
    process_t *p = current->proc;
    INODE node = p->fd[file]->ino;
    return vfs_isatty(node);

stat performs a namei lookup to get the node instead of taking it from the process' file descriptor table.

int stat(const char *file, struct stat *st)
    INODE node = vfs_namei(file);
    int retval = vfs_fstat(node, st);
    return retval;


The final function I'll look at now is lseek which sets the current position in the file:

int lseek(int file, int ptr, int dir)
    process_t *p = current->proc;
    if(dir == SEEK_SET)
        p->fd[file]->offset = ptr;
    if(dir == SEEK_CUR)
        p->fd[file]->offset += ptr;
    if(dir == SEEK_END)
        p->fd[file]->offset = p->fd[file]->ino->length + ptr;
    return p->fd[file]->offset;

I'll leave link and unlink for now, and come back to them when I need them (i.e. I wish to implement a user writeable filesystem).

In the next post, we'll mount an actual filesystem.


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